Social Media Netiquette
Our "Vorsprung durch Technik" starts together with our fans. For this reason we welcome you to our Social Media web pages and we are looking forward to inspiration and dialogue. In order to keep up a polite level of communication, we would kindly ask you to observe and follow our rules of netiquette.Tell us your stories and upload photos or videos. We welcome a lively exchange with and among each other - however, we would request that you stay fair and respectful to each other. For this reason we reserve the right to monitor or delete entries of promotion, inappropriate, offensive and/or insulting comments along with irresponsible dealings with Audi products or entries which have no reference to our web page.Please make sure that you do not write unauthorized, improper or unlawful entries. AUDI AG is not responsible or liable for any contents entered by users.Our pages are open to the public and are visible for every user. Please make sure that you restrain from entering personal data such as telephone number, bank details, license plate number or chassis number on the web page. Our aim is to protect your privacy; therefore we reserve our right to delete such entries should any of the above data be found.